All work and no play...

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” - The Shining

At least I think I get his grumpiness. After all, if he’d just gone out for a walk to get the blood circulating while he was activating his central nervous system to engage his brain in a greater capacity…

It’s a rare day that I don’t fit a workout into my schedule. There’s always time for a trip or two around the block, even on my busiest days. If I’m too tired, I can at least do a stretch/yoga program in my jammies. But this past week left me tired, behind schedule, and hungry. I looked like Cookie Monster, only more bloated. Definitely NOT how I envisioned my first week in my 50’s!

So the moral of the story is I am not going to end up like poor Jack. I prefer a happier ending. Besides, my running magazine came today. Just the fuel I need.

Lisa Hautly