Workplace Wellness Benefits

  Workplace wellness programs offer employers an opportunity to engage employees in healthy behavior modifications, focusing on corrective and preventative strategies. Programs are available for all budgets. From on-site nutrition education to wellness coaching, a menu of services that address cost drivers can transform the corporate culture while controlling healthcare costs.


What are the benefits of Corporate Wellness programs?

  • Reduced healthcare costs
  • Increased productivity
  • Decreased absenteeism
  • Improved morale
  • Increased energy


What programs are available?

  • Smoking cessation
  • Weight Management programs
  • Nutrition and Fitness presentations
  • One on one coaching
  • Group coaching
  • Biometric evaluations


How does the coaching process work?

Through a preliminary assessment and interview, clients will develop a vision for change. A series of strategies will be created to accomplish both long and short term goals. Clients will create a contract with their coach, spelling out SMART goals, creating a framework for accountability. The wellness coach will guide, support, monitor, and provide feedback to the client as the vision moves closer to reality.

Lisa Hautlyhealth